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I own 980ti EVEGA Hybrid and i think its fucking beast :D never disappoints me. Btw I...


Elie G. Hanna

I own 980ti EVEGA Hybrid and i think its fucking beast :D never disappoints me.
Btw I still own i7 3770K with 16GB RAM DDR3 should i go to 8700K ? or not worth it ?

Jonathan Mullins

If you get a 8700k you will need a new motherboard

Alexander Keith Roxborough

For gaming. No. It won't be worth it.

Robert James Wharton

If you're just gaming, it won't be worth it. You'd need to spend at least $500 and you'd only get maybe 5-10 FPS difference at most. You can still overclock the 3770k to like 4.6-4.8 GHz too with proper cooling (if you haven't already).

Matthew Schill

Nah I’d wait personally. 3770k May be finally showing it’s age but it’s still a solid processor and not a big enough advantage to go 8th gen id wait till 9th gen or maybe even 10th because then it will be utilizing ddr5 which is a much bigger difference from ddr4. Should add more cores if lucky and better performance across the board that’s when I plan to upgrade my 4770k

John Kenneth Arce

Well it depends on how you use it.. 8700k is a beast but I think it will going to bottleneck.. Correct me if i’m wrong..

Abraham Gallardo

Gpu is perfect
But yeah. Cpu could get to 8th gen. People who say it doesnt matter just havent used an i7 8700k

Michael Von Schumann

Whoever says "the jump isn't noticeable enough," obviously doesn't know about the power of the 8700k compared to the 3770k.

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Dustin Chamberlain

Not worth it if you are still rocking a 980ti or are gaming at 4k. However if you replace that 980ti with a 1080ti or a better volta/ampere product, then there could be reason enough to jump ship for an 8700k... but as it stands right now your GPU isn't going to push high enough framerates in titles today (at ultra or higher settings) to warrant a CPU upgrade. Anything your current GPU can currently do, your CPU will be able to keep up to. spending several hundred dollars to upgrade to an 8700k would net you basically 0 performance because it'll be held back to the same extent as your current 3770k due to a relatively weak GPU (relative to the CPU's in question and the tasks at hand. there is nothing wrong with the 3770k power overall)

Thiago Sousa

Nah, wait for Ryzen 2. 8 cores or bust.

Dakota Kasal

Man, that's seems like a solid enough combination to save your money a bit a longer. What sucks is having to start over in the midst of these market shifts. (Lost my job, sold rig. Got a new job, buying a new rig)

Dakota Kasal

That being said, holler at me if you wanna sell that Hybrid in the near future lol.

Steven Gunnoe

I would hold off and see how the 9th gen will be and especially if you are getting good steady frames. I would think the 3770k is plenty for the 980 ti until then

Brendan Lahucik

Elie G. Hanna don't ever upgrade the cpu just put a emachines "never obsolete" sticker on the case and maybe upgrade the video card if the 1070/980 ti ever becomes the equivalent of a gt1030 at 1080p 10 years from now, I've been running a gtx 970 for who knows how long with an i7 3770 and 20gb of ram and thats a 4 year old card

Γιώργος Γιαμακίδης

go for 8700k worth it

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