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I know this specific person won’t see this and I wish I would have caught their gamer...


Spencer Crea

I know this specific person won’t see this and I wish I would have caught their gamer tag to say I’m sorry they had to put up with this shit, but tonight I was playing some quickplay on Overwatch on Xbox and another player kept saying that this cunt (not my favorite word) Mercy can’t heal for shit and they we needed a second healer(even though they did great throughout the match), immediately causing the player to say I understand and just leave the game. Mind you we already had two healers in the game. I guess what I’m saying is I’m sorry people will be assholes when playing this and yeah not every healer is great every game but thank you for all of what you guys/gals try to do. There will be asshole out there but hopefully they want destroy your fun with the game.

Chris Joseph

Unfortunately quite a few Xbox players have that type of immature attitude. And I must say, you're a great person for posting this apology on behalf of that dude.

Dani Whiterabbit

Everyone takes everything to heart. Honestly, if more people just shrugged it off instead of renting space in their head to some stranger on the internet, these types of people wouldn't ever win.

Mike Gervais

Yeah I was playing earlier as mercy, my team chose hanzo, widowmaker, Reinhardt, Mcree, and dva. But obviously they blamed the healer because I wasn’t getting enough rez’s and that I wasn’t healing them enough. I was doing the best I can with our snipers dying left and right. Lol.

Alaa Yassine

I actually commented on our mercy's play which was absolute shit and we barely won first round, second round she was a freaking god well she was a girl so goddess (yes, i just assumed someones gender from their voice) and I complemented her for doing great i'm a fair person but yeah i don't go full toxic/asshole on people though

Brennan Pym-Danvers

I've seen this happen a couple times on Xbox. It's really, really disheartening.

Brandon Aiden Renard

I got shit for a while for playing junkrat but then people just realized that I'm a great player so I usually get praise or people actually shutting their mouth so I mean just prove them wrong lol that's how you do it

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