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I know, I know everyone hates stream posts! But please bear with me here! In an...


Conner Keys

I know, I know everyone hates stream posts! But please bear with me here!

In an effort to raise awareness for Remembrance Day, Veterans Day and for Veterans with PTSD, From now until November 12th I’m doing my “Streaming for Veterans” where all donations will be donated to the Royal Canadian Legion. While I myself have never enlisted, My family over the decades have been highly involved in the military, with my father and other passed family being Veterans, and brother currently serving, I’ve decided this is the least I can do!

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for some funny gameplay and many more similar events as this!

I realize this is not a group for posting streams but I read the rules and they say it’s fine. This will be a one off post here because I want to get my event out there as much as I can!

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