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Xbox One I have a couple questions for server hosts. Can you guys spawn in Aberrant dinos into...

  • Thread starter Daniel Rafael Reyes
  • Start date

Daniel Rafael Reyes

I have a couple questions for server hosts. Can you guys spawn in Aberrant dinos into any other ARK that isn't Aberration? And are transfers between other arks and aberration possible? Got the cluster id right but can't get any uploading/downloading to work from either side.

Thanks in advance.

Chris Thomson

yes to the first question(although im just an admin)

most ids work for the dino spawns...not all though and we are on the island.....

as for the second part sorry i have no idea :)

Aisling Nolan

You can spawn the items and dinos on other maps, not sure about transfers, read somewhere that you can only transfer one way but not sure

Teddy Fifer

Cannot transfer dinos to Abberation. Only can transfer them out

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