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I had a game on the arcade 1v1 random thought fck il have a nice relaxing match boom...


Jay Henry

I had a game on the arcade 1v1 random thought fck il have a nice relaxing match boom no was winning 4-0 then he came back to 4-4 (shocking I know) me pissed off and annoyed looking grimly onwards in adversity, we took are final stand was a battle of the ages with Ana's dueling like fierce lions each desperate to win knowing the stakes , biotic shots all around what felt like aeons battling back and forth until he eventually struck me down with a sleep dart... Before the final blow was struck I accepted my fate from then staring at my nemesis knowing it was the end my glorious end, victory in his hands he grenaded and then well he actually fucked up the final shot so I got up did a last ditch sleep dart in a last defiant act and got him down instead, waited for my hp debuff then did a final grenade shot at him before collapsing into the victory screen felt like a gladiator moment so yeah just a normal game

Avery Potter

ENGLISH PLEASE. I nearly had a stroke reading this

Hans Morris

Did you know that I have more intense games as Lucio? That feeling when the enemy team cant hit you and you contest the point FOR 11 FUCKING MINUTES WITHOUT LANDING, STOPPING OR RESTING!

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