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I don't know much about my computer or gaming in general so bare with me. I have a gtx...


Dakota Kittleson

I don't know much about my computer or gaming in general so bare with me. I have a gtx 970, at what point do I want to look at upgrading? I only run 1080 right now but plan on a 1440 monitor in the next year. Thanks in advance!

Hasib Emran

Get a 1070 m8.

Chris Ick

*bear with me

I have a 970 and it still runs games fine. It depends on what performance you want and what you expect. Do you want to run AAA games on ultra at 1440p at 60fps? Or are you satisfied with high and sub-60fps? Think about what kind of games you're playing (how old they are, how optimized they are, etc.) and how important it is that you are on the bleeding edge of performance. Think about why you want to upgrade and if it's worth that extra investment, and if it will really help you enjoy games more. Yeah, 1440p at 60fps on ultra is nice, but is it worth spending $600 so you won't have to turn settings down to high?

Micky Bottoms

if your want 1440p 60hz 1070 anything higher 1080

Preston Elms

I use 2 960's running in sli and I won't need to upgrade any time too soon, I running all of the newest titles at 1080p at 60 fps at least, on high to ultra settings as well

ネルソン ジミ

Get a 1080 or a Ti like NOW before retailers pricegouge us due to AMD underperforming.

Micky Bottoms

amd isn't underperfong to anything but a ti.

Dakota Kittleson

I'll get a 1070 by the end of the year then.

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