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I don’t want to hop on this train but an interesting thought came. Mercy (groan)...


Jesus Rivera-Cruz

I don’t want to hop on this train but an interesting thought came.
Mercy (groan) really is/was unbalanced.
At first, I agreed with people that after the rework the further nerfs were just whining
But a pro player when they were interviewed about mercy said one critical sentence:

I have to have them make the same mistake again.
That hits hard because in pro, and high level play, it’s usually a stalemate until someone makes a mistake (in theory)
If someone has to remake a mistake you can’t punish multiple times in a match, that’s actually bullshit.
It’s equivalent to getting knocked out in boxing counting to ten and then letting them continue.

Brent Hazelton

That sucks. Welcome to OW. Rez is a mechanic. Dont like it? Find a new fps.

Rachelle de la Rosa

In DOTA and League of Legends they ban 3 champions before a competitive match. They should do that in OWL.

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