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Xbox One The Kingsman - Prim Plus - EXTREME...


Justin Thomas

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The Kingsman - Prim Plus - EXTREME DIFFICULTY.

PvP - 4 person tribe limit.
32 slot server
The Center
Level 600 creatures
Abberation and Scorched Earth dinos naturally spawn - there is NO safe zone on this map.
Ravagers, mantis, deathworms, wyverns, etc, and even the rare dodorex rule this server - we are just guests trying to survive.

8x taming
Boosted stats (Not too boosted)
Artifact locations no longer drop artifacts - they now drop insanely good gear (So the caves actually uave a purpose to being conquered)
White drops will drop abberation and scorched earth saddles, equipment, and resorces.

SERVER WILL GO LIVE 6PM CST ON THURSDAY, 1ST. That way everyone interested has the same chance to start.

Alot more stat and dino info that if asked I will post, but just know with all the changes and ini file edits there has never been a center served like this one.

Are you up for the FIRST REAL challenge on ark? Can you survive in the most hostile environment this game has to offer?

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