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PC Welcome to Castaway Resort! PvE - Great community,...


William E Evans

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Welcome to Castaway Resort! PvE - Great community, Events, and New-player friendly!
A Currency Economy & Player Shops
Active Admins! On an always up-to-date server!
600 dino level - 150 player level - Extended item decay rate (corpses last 1h30m)
Exponential engram gain + EZace learn everything, get all Achievements.
5x Gather ---- .6 Dino stamina drain --- 8x Tame --- 10x Hatching --- 10x Maturation ---.15 Egg lay interval
NO titanosuar NO Leeds NO eels
PvE carry enabled
10x Quetz, Paraser and Bronto Platform building part & titem count.
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Our map features a public Market Place with crafting benches, grinder 100% mats return, Ind-forge, blueprint exchange, and pay it forward gear exchange.
We also have in a place a full working economy via a Dino Loot Gold drops and a player's market place for players to wheel and deal on goods and services..
Our goal for this server is a place for a mature crowd to hang out, build, tame and breed without the hassle of long taming times. We offer faster than normal breeding for the mutation minded breeders. We also have packed in the building and decorating mods in order for your over the top building desires. We offer lax building rules (please read the rules) so that you can get creative and have fun. The dino level is high and the player level is low to maintain a dangerous environment for the hunters.
The server is kept up to date and downtime is met with aggressive measures to get everyone playing again with multiple ways of reaching the admins if something should go wonky with the server. We take pride in creating a server environment where the survivors come first.
Castaway Resort is run by a husband and wife team with years of admin experience.
We are tough on rule breakers and helpful to those in need. We are usually a Steam Text, discord or Group message away.
The servers are paid up for a YEAR!
We re-evaluate the server every 6 months* With our community,(seasons) to keep the server and game-play fresh.
No wipes mid-season. Daily backups are kept to minimize rollbacks .
If you have read this far, you must be remotely interested. So why not click over to our group and have a look. Here you will find the latest info on our server. As well as the complete rule set and how to join us.
Steam Group:
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Patrick Hedgepath

This is a great server with great admins if anybody is looking for a non PvP server. We have both Ragnarok and Abberation and you can move back and forth between the two with your survivor. We have player shops in Ragnarok. A nice solid list of mods. Good players. The admins even have events ever now and again. Great place to be if your a looking for a nice stable home! I highly recommend it.

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