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How'd you find your main? I found my main at lvl 70, because i legit had never seen...

  • Thread starter Austin Riley Brooks
  • Start date

Austin Riley Brooks

How'd you find your main?
I found my main at lvl 70, because i legit had never seen Zenyatta get play so i was like "imma get play as Zen." Learned how to play him and had fun, thus resulting in me finding my main. What's your story? I'd love to hear!

Gorgeous art belongs to: (deviantart)Wymeir
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Gabriel Boucher

Imma junker boi
Because I saw bombs
Remembered all the fun times with bombs in all other fps
Decided to go with that

Austin Riley Brooks

Posting for a friend as she can't comment.
My first main was cause she was cute but I chose my current main Ana because I was raised by my grandmother and she was super badass up until the day she died. Hence badass old lady main.

Lauren Combs

Used to work at gamestop when the beta first came out. I saw mei in the managers guide booklet and loved her powers and look. I got the game to try her out and loved her ever since. I also love Lucio, dva and symmetra

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