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Xbox One how much longer tell server are up on xbox one ? it now 12:23 pm easten time iv been...


Liam Alt Starr

how much longer tell server are up on xbox one ? it now 12:23 pm easten time iv been up waiting on server pve 698 and there are no pvp or pve server's up yet ?

Liam Alt Starr

iv been on shinch 8 am easten time server's have been down for h's how much longer do we have to wait ?

Richard Digby

Until wildcard are ready to put them back up. Jat tweeted a couple hours ago that the network coming back up was " a few hours out ". Jen also tweeted saying they'd be redeploying the servers over a 24 hour period.

Liam Alt Starr

wow that is bad i work on server's with my father for them to take 24 hours to get it back up is bad some thing must be wrong me and my father fix's server's we never had them down longer then 3 hours .

Gregory Jr Stevenson

Didn't you hear there not coming back to Saturday now

Brandon Balderman

You guys have no patience lol go on single player and scout for good base locations

Liam Alt Starr

hear hear what they banned me from there web site for telling them ween game came out for telling them they need to fix there server's ween center came out the same thing happened i told them they need a controled air room for them and they banned me from there web site for trying to help them for stuff like this if they would have made a controled air room for them back then this would not have happened now .

Thomas Zygo

So the reason ark servers are delayed is because their facilities are too hot?

David Baum

You really the server room doesn't have A/C? I couldn't possibly accept that as real possibility.

Liam Alt Starr

servers for gaming most put them in a air room it like a spcae ship to keep kit clean and to keep them from brakeing or over heatting ween you have over 1,000 server's you need a air room ark dose not have a air room they put they in just a room it not a controled air room that why the server's kick out player's for no resone's and why they lag sow much and why the ping is too hight or too low if they had them in a controled air room that was vakum sheild no one would dc from host and the lag would not be as bad as it is on xbox one no matter how much stuff is on it .and they would not have any pruboloms with with getting them back up .

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