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how is this game competitive when i get someone who plays torb and throws himself off...


Abdullah Mohalel

how is this game competitive when i get someone who plays torb and throws himself off the cliff and a premade who stand in spawn meleing their own spray ? when i report someone they always say the same thing , i've been reported before A LOT and nothing

Sedon Dávid

You know what, they are right! I can see you posting the same meaningless topics over and over every week like this one: "How is this multiplayer game competitive if I need to play it with other ppl?..." I mean come on thinking is a part of your life don't ignor it. Have friends and play together or get used to it. Many ppl do that and they don't rage here like a lil' child. You have no right to report anyone for playing bad it's againts the rules, but htey would have every right to ban someone for reporting in the name of pure stupidity... so be thankful you are lucky.

Daniel Crow

Wen I play torb on attack I try my best alweys my best but my team throws cuz people think that this game is check mate "the king beats the knight" end of story. And people are like sheep. Every body says torb sux then I'll say it too, a widow is much worst then a torb

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