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Hi there I am thinking of getting a g-sync monitor and I am curious to see if my...


Nicky McCairn

Hi there I am thinking of getting a g-sync monitor and I am curious to see if my understanding is correct-

I am currently using v-sync and I believe it is my GPU that is keeping the frames at 60fps so that there is no screen tearing?

If I were to get a g-sync monitor paired with my nvidia 1080 gpu then it’s the actual monitor that does all the hard work of keeping the frames in sync hence freeing up some lower for the game?

I’m I right or off the mark? Cheers

Paul William

V snyc locks you at 60.. but if your hardware cant handle 60 it changes to half that fps, causing a stuttering effect. G sync wont do that it will change your monitor resolution to qhatever your computer can handle amd change constantly cause a smoother looking image

Chris Magenta

Yeah, so if you have a 144hz g-sync monitor and a compatible Nvidia card, if your GPU can output 144fps in game, all those frames will be displayed on the screen. If your GPU can only manage 123fps, then the g-sync kicks in, and your monitor changes to a 123hz refresh rate to match the FPS your GPU is outputting to, constantly matching the Hz of the screen to the FPS your GPU is outputting (up to the max hz the screen is capable of), which is what reduces screen tearing. If you have a freesync screen and an nvidia GPU(or vice versa), it will just work like a normal 144hz screen with no Hz/FPS matching.

Luke Brown

What Chris Magenta has said is accurate. The OP asked if it would free up some power on her GPU, the answer to that is no.. you won't gain FPS's because Gsync is in the monitor and not the GPU. Thats not how it works or even part of its objective. Its just a better way of getting the picture in perfect* sync (* as good as can be)

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