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Hi, so im in the middle of a custom build. Im buying parts as i go. Im debating...


Riley Branson

Hi, so im in the middle of a custom build. Im buying parts as i go. Im debating between soft and rigid tubing. What should i go with? I know already that im going with thin soft tubing at the back (between rad and reservoir) because you cant see it, but i dont know what to do with the front, my loop order im looking at is from radiator, vrm, ram, cpu, gpu, resevoir(reservoir is being mounted into custom psu shroud on the bottom with a ddc pump)
Im going to be running an asus maximus x formula with an 8700k @5ghz, 3200 mhz ram with cas of 14, hoping to overclock the latency to 12, and an asus strix 1080ti oc, also samsung 960 pro
Im ideally wanting to go as clean as possible with 0 rgb. Hence the series 140mm vardars


Stephen Steinlein

Hardline. Always better looking. Use the rest of your budget on a better camera :D

Jason Cook

Don't know whether its your camera or my eyes but is your rad rusting lol

Riley Branson

Not rust, exposed copper.. theyre brand new. I know for a fact that the top rad was made last month because it was custom designed and fabricated. You wont find it on hardwarelabs website.

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