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Xbox One Hi guys ! Im looking for a boosted pvp dedicated server on the Island !! Would be...


Brian Garey

Hi guys ! Im looking for a boosted pvp dedicated server on the Island !! Would be nice of there was a theme if not its okay too im a solo player ^^ hope to find one very fast !

Craig Okines

Ukarkserver247t see fb page of same name for details. No theme but chill

Matt Bem

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Server Stats:


Flying Inside Caves/Allowed
3rd Person/Allowed
Enabled Crosshair
Enabled Status Notifications
Join Notifications and Enabled Join Message
Difficulty Offset: level 5 lowest, level 150 highest
Maximum Structure Limit 6000 ((subject to change) 1500 is default)
Auto Destroy Wild Creatures (like official to make it less laggy)
Damage Dinos by Spike Walls Enabled
Override Structures Platform Preventions (yes turrets on brontos)
Hit markers are enabled
Destroy Unconnected Water Pipes (cause less lag)
Stasis Keep Controllers (more RAM and less lag)
Allow crate spawn on top of structures
Allow Multiple C4 on Dinos (Suicide Dodos anyone?)
Allow Platform Saddle Multifloors
Corpse Locator for dead bodies
Kick idle players
No Anti Speed Hack
Upload Time when you transfer from server to server to server 6 hours
No time limit on when you can transfer
Block Rollbacks when transferring (no duping lol)

Fun Stats:

XP Multiplier: 6.0
Taming Speed: 500.0
Resource Health Multiplier: .50
Harvesting Multiplier: 25x
Player Harvesting Damage: 2.0
Platform Saddle Multiplier: 50.0
Lay Egg Interval: (higher number the faster it is) 50.0
Dino Harvesting Multiplier: 6.0
Mating Multiplier: .10
Egg hatch: 40.0
All xp boost: 2x the rate on top of 6x
Fishing Loot: 2.0
Crop Growth Speed: 9999.0
Fuel Consumption: .8

Baby Multipliers
Baby Mature Rate: 40.0
Baby cuddle interval: .004
Baby cuddle grace period: 400.0

This means: Gigas should be done in 7 hours instead of 2 weeks, 70% is possible not sure about 100% as i fell asleep lol. But it should be able to get 100% Imprint for every 6-9 mins for 2%+

Unreal 4 Engine Stats

Cave structure damage to 3x instead of 6x

Cross Ark Settings
Available only on TDG servers to one another not solo or other servers can affect our cross ark!

Engine Settings

Infinite Weight Dinos
Infinite Weight Characters
Speed Tamed Dinos 1.5x
Stamina Tamed Dinos 20.0x

Resource Multipliers:
Metal 8.0
Metal Ingots 6.0
Polymer 12.0
Electronics 12.0
CementingPaste 8.0

Current ini. Files are all stock, during events i hole to change them for example Christmas event. Modded files are basic as there is no need to change them till the next update for private servers come out.

Anymore questions on the stats of the servers ask. This is not all the stats. These are just the main ones i have adjusted. There is a lot more!

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