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Hi gamers! The status quo has always been that the game creators make a game and you...


James Freedom

Hi gamers! The status quo has always been that the game creators make a game and you play by the rules. But we believe it’s time to break this nonsense and let you influence, affect the game! We want to give you tools to collaborate, build with friends and share your creations with the world. That's why we created Armaldia. A completely new kind of game - a social city builder. If you want to be one of the first and have the biggest chances to change, expand and influence the game - come over to
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. We have a special treat for you with the code: THE_PC_GAMING_MASTER_RACE (opportunity expires on the 20th of Feb).

Shayne G. Brown

interesting idea, however VR is going to overtake that so quickly this year.

James Freedom

Thanks for your opinion! I love VR, hope games in that field will gte better, but I think it will take more than this year - the hardware is too expensive still, don't you think so?

Shayne G. Brown

here is another reason I dont think this will work, people have tried this inside of Facebook and it was a failure... if it doesent work on facebook then...

James Freedom

What did they try on Facebook? A game similar to ours? Can you share some links and resources on why it didn't work? Thanks for the info! We don't really care about other failures, unless they can teach us what can we do differently and unless we can learn from them.

Shayne G. Brown

I forget what is was called because it was a while ago, but it was similar in the way it was a sim city like game where you "owned" stores. I think why it failed. When people are shopping online they want it fast... when you go a mall. thats a socail experience in itself.

Shayne G. Brown

I really hate to shoot your idea down because I am sure you put a ton of time into this but I cant see people wanting to login to this to go shopping when amazon is faster, and cheaper.

Shayne G. Brown

You seem like a smart guy accept my friend request, I may have an even better idea if your interested in something truely next-gen that I already have a working prototype of. I cant talk now but later.

James Freedom

Thanks for the feedback, but I don't see that our game is similar to sims/shopping game example you mentioned. We are much broader and I don't see why it shouldn't work - our main idea is to promote close collaboration on common goal (level up the main group building), craft YOUR OWN CUSTOM items and build on the same map with your friends. There is not a lot of games that have at least crafting or syncronized map (not talking about RTS).

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