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PS4 Hey survivors! We have a growing community of about 70 gamers right now! And the...


Markus Stampfer

Hey survivors!

We have a growing community of about 70 gamers right now! And the demand is massive! But be aware, we are not shy with banning those, that don't care about the rules! Those who respect the rules, are very welcome and will have much fun!

There are gamers from all across Europe, like Austria, Germany, Danmark, Switzerland, France, Spain, Netherlands or UK, and also from the USA!

So come and join the HOTTEST NEW SERVER right now!!!

Server name:
EU Cluster Ragnarok Tx8, Fx5, XPx6, Mx15, Dino max lvl 210
EU Cluster Island Tx8, Fx5, XPx6, Mx15, Dino max lvl 210

We had massive problems with offline raiders, thats why we activated ORP until sunday! After the ORP drops, we will still not tolerate offline raiders!

ATTENTION: We will offer a third short term cluster server with Scorched Earth from friday until sunday once a month! With higher taming rates and better loot quality! So everybody can go there and tame his very own phoenix!!!


Taming x8
Harvest x5
XP x6
Hatching x20
Maturing x15
Max dino lvl 210
Loot quality 1.8
Food/water consumption 0.8
Egg lay interval 0.8

Stats per level:

Dino weight x5
Dino health x0.4 (0.2 on official)
Dino melee x0.4 (0.17 on official)
Player weight x10
Player health x2
Player resistance x3
Player stamina x2
Player speed x2


2. Open World PVP is allowed
3. Artefacts and Obelisks have to stay accessible

ORP drops on sunday 00 am Middle European Time. New Rules are in the FB group!!!

New Tribes can demand 1 week of raid protection!

Both servers are easily to find as pc unofficial servers without password!!!

If you are interested just join our Facebook group: EU Cluster Ragnarok-Island

Or PM me

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Cameron Bergin

So whats cluster about?

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