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Xbox One Hey everyone! Don't worry this isn't a "Join my dedi" post. This is an invitation to...


Jay Richard

Hey everyone! Don't worry this isn't a "Join my dedi" post. This is an invitation to all players post. Starting this week I will be hosting a Battle Server for any and all who want to participate. Here's a basic Rundown.

9 Contestants will participate in the games.

NO tribes. Every man for themselves!
Each contestant will have 1 week to prepare for battle. You can prepare for the battle on the Archaic Chaos Server safely or on the battle server outside of the battle area.
Inside the area, there will be areas marked 1-9. Each contestant will be assigned a number at random. This will be their starting area.
Each battle area will have unique challenges and traps within the area.
At the designated start time the fight will begin until the last man standing. In order to achieve victory, all other players and all associated Dinos must be killed. (Hardcore mode will be enabled)
The winner will be awarded a prize that can be used in the next game, and a prize to be taken back to their server with (if they are on a server that will spawn it in for them, or take back to their home on Arkhaic Chaos. The longer you remain champion the higher the rewards.
Once the winner has been declared and prizes distributed, the battle area will be moved to a new map and a new terrain.

The battles will happen once a week. We will be clustered with a server, and I am in the works of talking with more server owners to honor prizes for winning the games.

If this is something you would be interested in participating in or if you're a server owner and want to send people to participate in (and will distribute prizes if they win) also let me know. If you have any questions let me know. I thought it would be fun to give people a server to battle on without necessarily committing to losing all of their stuff and being committed to 24-7 grind just to defend themselves. Here every week you can come, battle, and go home. Let me know guys. Thanks!

Dan Lacey

A great idea. It's not for me but a very good idea

Dan Lacey

Perhaps you could stream it as it's a tournament type of thing.

Jay Richard

That’s a legit idea, that would be pretty cool

Ryan Phillips

This sounds so fun

Joey Mckinnon

Sign me up! What will the rates and stuff be like?

Mohawk-mikey Winstanley

"This isnt a join my dedi post but join my dedi" lmfao what a joke

Ryan Phillips

Stfu man nothing nice to say why comment

Dan Lacey

Would be good to see servers playing against each other perhaps you could invite different servers to come fight each other

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