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Xbox One Hey Ark Survivors! This is a recruiting invitation (XBOX ONE) for DragonStone in...

  • Thread starter Adrias Au Andromeda
  • Start date

Adrias Au Andromeda

Hey Ark Survivors!
This is a recruiting invitation (XBOX ONE) for DragonStone in Scorched Earth Official Dedicated; NA/PVE/(ask for number). Tribe and further server info will be listed at the bottom of this post.

Looking for:
-Obviously I want dedicated players. It’s okay if you can’t be on every day but you must be inclined toward working at this game.
-Hard workers. Tying into what is stated above, grinding out materials, taming animals and building bases is very grueling work, you need to be motivated to help out where asked and have the insentive work on your own as well, keeping the tribe on the up.
-Experienced players especially welcome. I am more than willing to train newbies, but if you’ve got some time under your belt and need a tribe to call home, step up and let me know.
-Mobility! As will be explained further down, DragonStone is a cross-server Tribe. We will finish our establishment in this listed server and branch out to other maps. You should be willing to transfer as needed or create other characters for our other establishments in other maps.
-Respectful players. You MUST be able to get along with others, respect the hard work and belongings of others, and take seriously the growth and stability of the tribe. The point is to have fun, always, but the people who play this game with dedication take things seriously. Respect that and do your part to uphold these ideals.

Tribe and Leader info:
Hey, if you haven’t pegged it yet, I’m the leader of DragonStone, Adrias au Targaryen (character name). I’ve been playing Ark for only a matter of months but have put in a ridiculous amount of time and effort. I am addicted to this game. My Tribe is fresh and new after a failed attempt on a different, toxic server and after a brief recouping period within another tribe not my own. Now I’m back on my feet and got my roots down. I’ve made my current home on this server and now I need active members. On Scorched Earth server NA/(ask for number), DragonStone is our current Home Base and Server. Here we are building our Resource Powerhouse which will then be used to supply and sustain our other server locations and to work and trade with other Tribes and people. We currently have a secondary settlement split between two Ragnarok servers.

Server info:
I can’t describe how good this server has been. Good people make for a good experience. There is infinitely less big drama on this Scorched than any other server I have played, we help each other out here and come together to enforce and maintain the playability of our server. If you do come to this server, be warned, kiting and other harmful behaviors will NOT be tolerated and action will be taken against you. We will fight to keep our server fun and friendly.

If you are interested in being recruited, comment or message me and we’ll see if you’re a fit! I’ll add info as thought of.

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