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Hello Overwatch people. Im looking for a team to escape the Bronze ELO. I was already...


Shinji Heilemann

Hello Overwatch people.
Im looking for a team to escape the Bronze ELO. I was already in silver arround 1900, but then a race to the bottom started with several disconnects and leavers in almost every single game. ive been down to 700 and since then climbed back steadily to 1400 again, but last weekend was again a shitshow of leavers, throwers and trollpicks with 5 dps-comps, so im back at 1200 again and i refuse to start again before i dont have a team of people i can trust.

What i can:

Im tank main, playing Winston, Rein, D-VA, Roadhog and sometimes Orisa, but i can also fill spots in DPS with Sombra, Torbjorn and Tracer and in Support with Mercy, Symetra and Moira.
Im willing to fill whatever spot my team requires at any given situation.
My reflex time is pretty good and im familiar with extremely fast playstyles. My Sombra skills are probably Gold-Tier, but i hardly ever get to play her due to the prevalence of 4-dps-comps in the Bronze Elo, which requires me to play Mercy, which i main, according to stats.
Im cooperative and try to never be toxic.

What i cant:

My aiming is meh-tier i guess, which is why i prefer characters with a wide bulletspread or close-combat affinitys. I cannot fullfill a sniper role and have an aversion against heros like solider or McCree, whos effectiveness is directly tied to the aiming of the player.

Anyone whos interested in a grande Bronze prision-break, message me. Some of my plays of the game below


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