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Xbox One Hello everyone! I just wanted to give the opportunity a few people to join my ⚫️PvP...


Joe Allen

Hello everyone! I just wanted to give the opportunity a few people to join my ⚫PvP Xbox One⚫ server, I just want to go ahead and let everyone know this is an 18+ only server so I apologize in advance for those younger.

My current rates are as shown.

Takes place currently on Ragnarok

Xp 3.0
Taming 3.0
Dino Harvest 3.0
Harvest 3.0
Egg lay interval 0.5
Hatch speed 3.0
Mature speed 3.0
Cuddle .33
Crop growth speed 3.0
Crop decay 1.0

Events are in development

If your interested then please leave me a private message with a short description of your play style and what you enjoy doing with your time on Ark.

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