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PC Guys our member Tom Freeman has been banned for no reason. There are others. But if...


Darin Ferraro

Guys our member Tom Freeman has been banned for no reason. There are others. But if you have a twitter retweet his tweet to them so they prioritize his battletag!

Darin Ferraro

It amazes me sometimes how dense some people are. Zac is toast.

Josh Krogman

If he was banned for no reason that's suspicious and should be investigated. Bungie has said multiple times there is no auto ban system, each instance is investigated by a person or persons.


Christopher Schmidt

Please don't take this as harassment of the OP, or judgmental. I hope that this is all an innocent mistake ban. That said, I've been playing games online for a long time (I'm 41) and I've only seen maybe twice in my history of gaming of people being banned in a game by accident, or through no fault of their own. If someone receives a ban its because they were doing something wrong. Now the vast majority of the people who get bans will cry foul and claim they are completely innocent (in much the same way people in prison claim they are always innocent) but it always ends up being the person was cheating somehow and just didn't want to admit it, hoping beyond hope that they could somehow fool the powers that be into believing that they did no wrong and reversing the ban. Is it possible that someone could have been banned by accident, sure, but its not likely. Now I don't know what the facts are in Tom's case, but If he was accidentally banned he will probably get it overturned and I can say I've seen this happen another time, and I for one hope that the case.

Jerome Holzberger

The thing is, bungie doesn’t have an auto ban system in place they monitor the suspected players. So they must have seen him do something that is against the rules.

Did he have bad connection or something?

Alex Elward

They've already stated that people aren't banned by an automated system. Have they not given any feedback?

Jerad James Zink

I mean on PC and online gaming. Cheating is rampant. I am not saying he did cheat. But I am saying it'd be easy to cheat, get banned, and then claim they did nothing wrong. It's common in cheating communities to get banned then go on official forums or sites and claim you are Innocent.

That being said, I haven't heard of accidental bans since week 1 when streamers got banned for bungie falsely detecting streaming software as third party cheats. Which they have since admitted it was their fault and fixed the affected accounts.

Joshua Wolfe

If he was ban clearly he must of ran a third party program he shouldnt have or done something he shouldn't of done to cause that ban. Bungie stated they dont ban people for no reason either.

Shin Hoon Cha

I'd like to think of this community as a group I could fall back onto in times of need. Regardless of whether he cheated or not, I'll always give people the benefit of the doubt. It doesn't hurt to help his cause get noticed by bungie, and if by chance, he did cheat, he just won't get unbanned. Simple as that. Too bad I don't have twitter though. :(

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