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Guys, I need help. My rig i7 7700 GTX 1070 (MSI) 256gb m.2 ssd 1 tb 7200rpm wd hdd...


Mustafa Aqil

Guys, I need help.

My rig
i7 7700
GTX 1070 (MSI)
256gb m.2 ssd
1 tb 7200rpm wd hdd
16 gb single channel ram 2400mhz
Monitor - lg 1080p 144hz

I’m getting 60-80 fps in witcher 3 at all ultra which is great, but strangely csgo is getting only 90-100fps at high 1080p which is terrible considering the gtx 1070 (the gpu doesn’t even try). My friends exact same setup but with a 1060 (6gb) and 8x2 2400mhz ram gets 200+ fps in csgo stable. What’s wrong? All the drivers are up to date, bios is updated, all the settings in the nvidia control panel are correct.

I asked around in the forums and some people say that it is the ‘single channel’ ram.. but why? I don’t want to spend any more money on ram, just want to play csgo at 144fps.

Ivan Lučić

Is vsync on or off? Turn it off..

Johnny Ch

Go to console on csgo > enter 'fps_max 144' if you haven't already, it may or may not work

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