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Guys and Girls, can I have some advice to help me with these hero's. Could anyone...

  • Thread starter Lauren Christina-leighc
  • Start date

Lauren Christina-leighc

Guys and Girls, can I have some advice to help me with these hero's. Could anyone explain what this means aswell.


Leonardo Varela

Roadhog is my main, I can help you.
The BEST tip to play Roadhog is: don't waste your hook. Use it wisely, and against the best possible target, "best possible target" means, for example, the enemy support, a squishy annoying DPS (Tracer, Sombra), an enemy who is ulting, you basically troll the enemy if you hook him/her while ulting.

Also, as a Roadhog main I get very tilted when I see those braindead Roadhogs who use their self heal AT THE SAME TIME THE SUPPORT IS HEALING THEM xD
Don't waste your E, the self heal. If you are being healed by the support, save it, you are going to need it.

Quang Trương

Zarya main here: save the bubble and use it when the enemy hog is hooking someone. Your bubble is used to walk in front of your team shield and get charge. These may sound easy but you will have to be multi tasking in a fight as Zarya, protecting your team, dealing dmg and protecting yourself. When you are high charge (60 and above) make sure you are kept alive becauee you are a dps and a tank when you’re high. If you die, the team 80% loses the fight.

Quang Trương

Also before bubbling an ally, make sure you tell them to go and take some dmg, Rein is a priority, tell him to drop the shield for 2 secs and bubble him. You will be likely highly charged for... forever basically

Mike Kim-Nguyen Hang

and/or bubble to save people from charge, hooks, and doomfist. ^. Also alwayssss try to sync your ults with your team. even if they have no ult to combo with, a high outburst of damage can be a difference in the game.

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