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Genji players! Questions for you! When you reflect as Genji, Does the damage you...


Christy Raasch

Genji players! Questions for you!

When you reflect as Genji, Does the damage you reflect automatically go back to the source of the damage or does it become damage you can aim wherever you want?

Also I do alright on Genji but I feel like when I'm using his ult I'm just kinda flailing my body around. - Any suggestions on things I can do to make my ults have a bit less chaos to them?

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David Lorenzana

You can aim it wherever you want, and I would say to know where what characters are. Like where the enemy squishies are.

Hayden Pearce

Sorry to be that guy but

Tyler Mielenz

Lol I feel decent at his movements and aiming shuirkens & deflecting, although latency fucks me over quite a bit. But yeah when it comes to his Ult, I get tunnel vision and I'm complete trash lol

Chris Fahmy

You have to aim whatever projectile is being shot at you with your own crosshair. As for your ult, one thing to note, is that it actually resets Swift Strike, so you can actually close the gap, pop your ult, and save your second swift strike in case someone boops you back, like Lucio, or, you can do a Slash, immediately Swift Strike, and Slash again, doing a total of 300 damage with that moveset (125 per slash, 50 for Swift Strike) and you'll take out most squishies for the most part, assuming you land everything, but whatever you do, don't try to duel a Reinhardt when he's full health, because he will kill you no matter what. xD

Oh also another thing on deflect, you can actually block melee attacks with it, but you won't reflect any damage back to the attacker.

Mihnea Gogu

You basically shoot the same thing that gets thrown at you, so basically if u deflect a mccree sbot you’ll have to aim it and it will be a hitscan, but if u deflect a zen ball you’ll shoot the zen ball back with its proprties

Ben Surkis

One tip that helped mea a lot is to slice when u sure its a hit, don't bother if not

Paul Trubiano

Patience, Target prioritization, mechanical skill, game sense.

Patience: Don’t use it too early or to initiate a fight unless you have to or see a really low risk chance. Wait till everyone’s busy on point/the fight has started. There will be more space and opportunity to do it if you wait instead of forcing it.

Target Prioritization: For starters I would just focus on picking on solo target you “know” you can kill with the blade. So a healer pretty alone/exposed, or a flanker not paying attention. Once you kill 1 then start to look for second or even third kills. Practice will make it more natural and you’ll start to get a better sense of when you can hit multiple people at once and get better dash movement.

Mechanical skill: I’m terrible with his ultimate and I’m level 670 ish. TBH it’s just one of the more difficult Ultimates in the game to use. If you have good mechanical skill it will be easier, if like me you’re just trash at the game: practice.

Game sense: pretty much what I already talked about. But you have to be aware of how the team fights going and who’s alive (watch the kill feed.) Think about who your dashing to and what their reaction will be (if you get good try and predict it). Mcree flashbang, scatter, helix, character could use their moment to just run (then you’ll have nobody to hit). There’s a lot to consider and at first it seems kind of random but you’ll eventually start to get the hang of it.

Side note: keep track of cool downs. If mcree wastes/uses flashbang thats an easy kill, if Ana uses sleep dart, same thing, keeping track of cool downs is just a big part of the game. Applies to everything, nor just dragon blade.

Last thing since you mentioned you were new, and this is fairly obvious but some people don’t know. You can deflect while using dragon blade. And while you’d 100% want to be swinging (as it does really high damage) sometimes deflecting can be more valuable if you either don’t have a dash or are getting crazy shot at. The enemy almost always tries to focus you when you use it, so deflecting can be useful to get time to get the last swing you need.

Sorry for the long post but hope it helps. I’m also not a very good genji, this is just what I learned from playing the game a lot.

Jed Aidan


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