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Xbox One GAMERTAG: Ark Realm Est Taming 10 Map: Ragnarok Gathering 10 Crop growth 2.5 ( build a...


Robert Larocco

GAMERTAG: Ark Realm Est
Taming 10
Map: Ragnarok
Gathering 10
Crop growth 2.5 ( build a greenhouse)
Resource respawn instant
Player weight 1point = 300
Server type pve/pvp
Egg Hatching 100 have food ready
Mature 10
Mating 3.367 3days 7hours
Baby cuddle interval multiplier 0.699 2:30min
Poop inter 3.1
Cave flying: on
Player harv 0.6
Dino hp regen 3.0
Player hp regent 3.0
Player food water drain 0.6
Join our Facebook group Ark Realm EST
Rules in
1.Clean your trash: all broken down buildings must be removed by the tribe that owns them. The administrator will force claim Foundation and place a sign on it and give it a kill date.
2.bashing the server publicly in chat or any other public site will get you immediately banned from the server.
3 6 p.m. Sunday night till 5 p.m. Friday night is PVE any PVP action during this time will result in loss of base. All dinos out in the wild that belong to a tribe are not subject to this rule.
4. Absolutely no brontosauruses are allowed.( could change on (Ragnarok)
5. We are equal opportunity server discrimination against someone's sexuality, religion, or disability or Race, will immediately be ban.
6. Inappropriate tribe names or player names you will be asked to change it
7. PVP days are Friday night 6 p.m. till Sunday night at 6 p.m.
8. The community center is not a PVP Zone.
9. Allegations against any tribe must provide proof.
10. We will be switching to the rentable servers mid September.

Jacob Hughes

So basically a 3x evolution event for official in taming wise

Robert Larocco

GAMERTAG: Ark Realm Est
Taming 10
Map: Ragnarok
Gathering 10
Crop growth 2.5 ( build a greenhouse)
Resource respawn instant
Player weight 1point = 300
Server type pve/pvp
Egg Hatching 100 have food ready
Mature 10
Mating 3.367 3days 7hours
Baby cuddle interval multiplier 0.699 2:30min
Poop inter 3.1
Cave flying: on
Player harv 0.6
Dino hp regen 3.0
Player hp regent 3.0
Player food water drain 0.6
Join our Facebook group Ark Realm EST
Rules in
1.Clean your trash: all broken down buildings must be removed by the tribe that owns them. The administrator will force claim Foundation and place a sign on it and give it a kill date.
2.bashing the server publicly in chat or any other public site will get you immediately banned from the server.
3 6 p.m. Sunday night till 5 p.m. Friday night is PVE any PVP action during this time will result in loss of base. All dinos out in the wild that belong to a tribe are not subject to this rule.
4. Absolutely no brontosauruses are allowed.( could change on (Ragnarok)
5. We are equal opportunity server discrimination against someone's sexuality, religion, or disability or Race, will immediately be ban.
6. Inappropriate tribe names or player names you will be asked to change it
7. PVP days are Friday night 6 p.m. till Sunday night at 6 p.m.
8. The community center is not a PVP Zone.
9. Allegations against any tribe must provide proof.
10. We will be switching to the rentable servers mid September.

Shadowman Bidwell

Ok I'll play later... I'm at work right now on break lol

Jacob Hughes

You can go through the border using 3 pillars and a foundation tbh

Cheyenne M Switzer

I'm in Utah, a fire was a mile away from burning mine, my husband's, and our 4 kids house we just bought in may

Francisco Estrada Castillo

But if I already got Wipe one Time could they Raid me again that same Day??m8

Cheyenne M Switzer

A lot of people sell dinos for real money and people actually buy them

Luke Mo

LOL then you kill their tames they paid for with your raiding account so they need to rebuy right... LOL SMART BUT SNEEEEEEEEEEEEEKY!!!!!!!

Josh Taylor

It's about friendly fire been on just wondering if it's possible to turn it off

Jacob Hughes

I know lots of youtubers charge to join tribe and or join server with them pretty smart

Jacob Hughes

You have to go over them once then back up if you don't feel the bump twice it's not finished

Dylan Derrick

So if I put 300 pillars down and ceilings on top with signs on top saying base in progress will I get wiped

Mason Carpenter

Everyone used too. The people who are still missing accounts after roll back apparently were cheating. Word of mouth that

Dylan Derrick

I raided dumpers I'm solo on legacy but I have a 7x6 tek base with decent amount of turrets

Mason Carpenter

They are here to make money. Of course they will get rid of cheating

Mason Carpenter

I decided to go official but this guy does run a great server

Dylan Derrick

Does this mean the "host" can be administered too?

Bailey Middlemas

That's enough to put all the duck tape from your mic on ?!?!!!!?!!!

Jeremy O'Lorcain Larkin

Will we all get to play on rented server or just ppl that chip in and when it does change will put level carry over

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