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For 1080p (and MAYBE (very strong maybe)) or 2K, is getting a 1070 better or should I...


Jared Horne

For 1080p (and MAYBE (very strong maybe)) or 2K, is getting a 1070 better or should I stick with a 1060? I'm gonna get a Ryzen 1600X for my CPU and I plan on playing games like Overwatch and Wolfenstein. Might be worth mentioning I play on a laptop rn that runs Overwatch on Epic with 70 fps

Steven Marshall

My kids 1060 6gb runs 60fps ultra at 1080p(i5 6500). I would stretch for a 1070 if you can.

Nick Gunter

What laptop? I have the ge62vr I play overwatch at 80fps on epic lol. (No overclock)

Bernard Hamlet

If you like fps, try go for a 144hz monitor, a 1070 is perfect for 1080p at high frame rates, I would only go 60hz at 1440p though.

I use 1080p 144hz, Asus strix 1070

Damon Martin Jr.

a 1060 6Gb can run 60fps medium settings in 4k. I'm sure u can get 50 to 60 fps ultra at 1440p but it will be close. so u don't be seeing very many demanding games hit 130fps like in 1080p. but as for 1080p if you choose it I recommend a higher Hz monitor. like 144. smoother gameplay and the 1060 6 can handle it great. 1070 isn't really needed but sometimes it can be nice. and it will be more futureproof. but for the next year or 2. 1060 6gb will be great.

Calvin DiBartolo

if you already have a 1060, just stick with it. If you're picking between the two, the 1070 is great for up to 2k from what I hear. I play 4k typically with my 1080

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