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Fighting Over What's 'Indie' And 'AAA' Harms The Industry, Says Sonic Mania And Cadance Of Hyrule Artist


Staff member
"In the end we all just make games".

Once upon a time, the term 'indie' meant you were making games on your own with little outside help or support, and the results were often basic or crude when compared to 'AAA' titles. These days, the distinction has become harder to make, as games that are considered to be 'indie' titles are often as polished and playable as those which have come through the publisher system – and we're also a point where characters from games like
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are appearing in big-budget releases like
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Given the shifting nature of the industry, do we really need to categorise games as 'indie' or 'AAA' anymore? Artist Paul Veer – who worked on
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– thinks the debate is pointless and doesn't do the games industry any favours.

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