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Does someone else get annoyed when you have a group full of «dps» and some idiots...


Sophie Heimlund

Does someone else get annoyed when you have a group full of «dps» and some idiots mainly «scream» in your chat «SOMEONE, GO HEALER/SUPPORT AND TANK!»

And I be like «you go healer or tank if its so fjsjdjfjshsj important to you»

Always ends up that I have to be healer, or else the whole group either ragequit or get mad.. lol

So, please dont be that person who complains about missing a suppprt/healer or a tank. This is why its important to know how to play at least one tank, support/healer and one «dps».


Shae Banay

Its even worse when you've already picked healer and you're asking for a tank.. and someone tells you to go tank... like.. wtf I'm already playing a very important role.

Sam Wilkinson

Yeah it is annoying when someone else does that, but way I see it is, someone has to do it, I'm not a great reinhardt at all but I'll play him if no one else will, but over hours of playing I get fed up of playing heroes I'm not that good at because other people won't and refuse to play them.

Jeff O'neill

It is worse when you go tank, and they say “you go healer if you want one”. It’s like “ok fuck me wanting to protect my time ”.

Michael Delagrense Strife

played a game yesterday and the tracer kept spamming "I need healing" ofcourse its always 5 dps in the team, no support or tank so I decided to go battle mercy. need healing? health packs enough on the map if you dont want to switch

Olly Regester-Cowan

And that person is always a Genji

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