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Xbox One Day oners! What's your favorite or funniest memory of Ark? Mine would have to be the...


Jeffery Smith

Day oners! What's your favorite or funniest memory of Ark? Mine would have to be the fact that when this game came out on preview I had no idea what pvp or pve meant. I joined a pv server, had a decent sized thatch base going the first night. Had three guys come up to my front door (oh great, I'm out numbered and they're gonna break in kill me and steal my stuff. So I built walls to section off the one foundation to my front door, opened the door and they were all there. I threw so many Spears before one was nice enough to explain to me we were pve and what it meant.

Kristy Linton-Graham

Day one I was kidnapped and was goingvto be sold fro ing lmao that was PvP I now play pve

Jeffery Smith

Day one on preview?? Fuckers grew and got greedy quick lol

Liam McGee

Funny Things on ark hmm.... The fact that Faction thought they ruled legacy but in actual fact they would have got shit on without duping

Dereck Santiago

Watching my freind get mauled by compys as soon as he loaded in and now ever sense then i spawn in getting killed....cursed my self

Lewis David Drever

When SE came out i died about 40 times before i built a pick

Briana Fowler

My favorite is where, on official, I was running around on the beach on a Rex, took a chomp out of, what I though was a wild, Raptor. I stopped when I realized it didn't chase me and hopped off my Rex as a guy ran up. I go to game chat and he is screaming, "What are you doing?!" "I'm taming down the beach!" I say, "I'm sorry it was a mistake and I'll give him stuff." Next thing he says is, "Oh, youre a girl...nevermind. It's all good," and walks away.

My second is I was running around on a very high level wolf I'd tamed back when the Island was the only map. I came off a cliff into someone taming a Rex (couldn't have seen them or stopped before I jumped on them). He got onto his other Rex (medium level) and bit me twice, I went to game chat, said I was sorry, explained what happened, and what's he do? Kid gets an attitude, says he'll kill me and my tame; so happened I was next to base where 4 of us were on. We all grabbed out 150-170 Rex's (back when 100 was the max you'd find) and walk over. He keeps yelling saying he'll kill us and everything so we kill him, his tame, and the Rex he was taming. He didn't realize we were the Alpha tribe. Poor kid. Never saw him again.

EDIT: Also, back when scorched came out and people were learning about the Wyverns, a tribe mate was going to pick me and my Camel up when I got attacked by a Mantis. He hits the lightning breath to kill the Mantis and killed my Camel too. RIP Pack Muel.

Robby Adkins

I soloed pvp died 5millon times trying to get my water bar up and getting eaten by megaladon made 5 billion cloth hats cause I didn't know what to do with the fiber took me 6 days to find a spot that wouldn't get broken into cause out of site that spot kept me off the radar for the next year and a half when I finally learned how to use chat and say hi after getting my friends on to help build a big metal base with lots of turrets lol

Dylan McLoughlin


Ashley Story Hagl

My favorite comes from our brief time in PvP. We played on server 9 legacy when it first came out. We added this kid Raven (little shit) to the tribe. Well he decides to pick up one of the alphas little cronies and then I wake up to everything dying and a giga at my gates. I get my bf up and on (its about 8am) and he talked to the dude kicked Raven and all was well. 20 min later we walk out to go replace tames lost and there he is again on his giga except this time he brought goodies. This dude showered a giga FULL of gear and all kinds of shit on us and that's how we got someone kicked from the alpha tribe for being a kind person.

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