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Crossing my fingers that we will have more female players in the overwatch league in...


Katerina Schurek

Crossing my fingers that we will have more female players in the overwatch league in the coming seasons. I'm sorry, but the reasons that Geguri wasn't signed were bull. I'm loving OWL so far, I'm just hoping to see more ladies like myself in the future.

Ari Ray

I'm so confused as to why everyone gets all butthurt about no girls in the owl, like does it literally make any difference to you and your life, probably not

Charles Bird

cause girls suck at most games lol

Daniel McIntosh

Lived in Taiwan for OPC season 2 and scrimmed a lot against Rox Orcas which is the team Geguri played for, honestly she isn't that good and there are so many more better Korean flex players than her, it's not really a surprise. There are only 3 teams she could've even been on because of language barriers and they already have players that are miles better

Adrian Taylor

Maybe having a girl on the team is too much of a distraction to all the nerds on the teams.

Stephanie Rosado

They need flexible players, not one tricks. That's why she wasn't chosen

Mary Gimenez

I watch genguri a lot and I can tell you she isn't a one trick, ignore the incels and salty plat female mercy mains that claim otherwise.

She plays a lot of because she's her signature hero but can flex pretty well. I think her particular highlight attribute is game awareness; it's really sharp, quick-reacted and smart (instead of being a reckless all-for-one like sinatraa) which is why I personally think she's esport material. Hell, she's even better league material than X-meme-QC because at least she at least is willing to work around her team.
Sadly, after the 2016 meltdown, harassments and people accusing her of cheating, I don't think we'll see her on OWL anytime soon.

Courtney Wands

I'll be there one day. Working on it

Matthew Randall

She’s a Zarya one trick. Ohh how desirable....

Christopher McGriff

You either have the skill and dedication to go pro or you dont stop bringing your BS gender bias into video gaming gender does not equate skill there are fewer female
Pros because they dont preform better than males on average get over it.

Stephanie Rosado

If she ain't in is cause she is not good enough. Nobody cares if she has a hot dog or a tortilla.

Ha Nguyen

Everything has to be about gender, race or politics nowadays

Cristobal Cabrera Foix

the problem of having women in competitive scenes at tournament level, they would be molested and harassed by the community
and this fact has happened and continues to happen in other communities (Sm4sh, LoL or even OW)

Forrest Julian Wahl

Samuel Langlais

Michelle Ann

Would be nice to see it one day just like how it would be nice to see an actual local in our 100% Korean teams I’d enjoy overwatch regardless.

Rafael Rodriguez

Kotaku, not even going to click on that.

Laeth Thomas

Stopppp. You think there is discrimination? Bro, if a team signed a female player, fans would LOVE it and obsess over her.
There are no women because of the demographics. Women of course can reach the same level of skill a man can-- there just aren't as many females as males, which harms their changes.
Not to mention a lot of women that DO play tend to stick to the same tight pool of characters-- there are some that branch out, but they're not nearly as common.
Shy of this, culturally speaking, men are more experienced due to their childhood giving them an early access to the video game scene. In addition to this, it's more socially acceptable and expected for a male to sink time into video games than female-- this may influence the community and it's demographics.

Crying that there are no women is lame. Nobody should care about sex or gender. Care about the teams, their performances and what the players can do. Again, if you think there is discrimination, you're crazy. These teams are dropping serious guap for the most talent-- they wouldn't overlook someone based on their sex.

Justin Horton

Female gamers at a pro level are a rarity, they have females yes but not that have preformed to the men's level and it isn't because of masculinity or athletic capabilities, honestly I believe it's just the time inputted plus skill level, eventually we will see a woman at that level.

Matthew Scott Rodriguez

Was there a reason why female players weren’t signed?

Aquanes Bergman

Isnt this the girl that made 2 pros quit?

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