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PS4 Claim your kingdom and become the ruler of your own chunk of Ragnarok or join a...


Jeremiah Fuller

Claim your kingdom and become the ruler of your own chunk of Ragnarok or join a current kingdom and become right hand to the king or queen!
We have set up a scavenger hunt of sorts to find a box filled with everything the new King\Queen will need to start their kingdom. Find it and lay out your borders and become the king\queen. You will also be given a Wyvern as a symbol of your kingdom.
Only a few server wide rules, all other rules will be set by the individual rulers, admin will not interfere with a kings rule.
No Passive kills
No Griffin spawns
Medieval only (no guns, limited explosives.)

Dylan Nico Scott

Medieval but yet no griffin's sorry bud gave me good laugh there

Jeremiah Fuller

Thanks. Yeah that mod would be perfect for what we want to do. 5 maps sounds like a lot to admin your a better man than me I’m good handling one lol. 5 would be exhausting. Any advice on helping this one grow?

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