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Been watching everyone's golf on YouTube, and I noticed most players don't even read...


Darren Leonard

Been watching everyone's golf on YouTube, and I noticed most players don't even read the lay of the ball. People are just reading the wind, then wondering why there ball shots extremely to left or right. Always read the balls lay as well, this will improve your gameplay grately.

Hopefully I'll have a ps4 soon and join you all in the new 1

Keith Immerzeel

While that might be the case in some situations the main issue with the new game is they wanted to completely neuter backspin for some reason so they made it where when you hit backspin it can randomly go off the toe or heel of the club. Even with PI, even with super PI, it has a randomness to it. Control doesn't matter either. It's tied into the mechanics of backspin. They removed tons of stuff from this game and the one thing they added in is dumb as hell.

Darren Leonard

I want to play it, but so many people keep putting me off. The biggest thing for me is no chariters, in all the old games, each chariter had diffrent attibrutes, some liked rough / bunkers / approach & some disliked stuff, each had a diffrent shot hights and distances. This was the games positive attibrute to me, making single play grate and even throwing fun in vs with friends, by using some1 you weren't used to. Ok they were stero typical chariters, buts it's sad loss, even though I like the idear to create a chariter personal to me, the fact if I go online with that chariter, also means it can be copied, leaving me only to hope for unique gear from tornys.

Btw with the ps vita & PS3 version going down on December 21, I suspect this is going to be about the around the same time, they may introduce G3 to G0 tornys, into the ps4 version

Adam Knight

The game is great in all aspects what most fail to realize is it is in The beginning stages of a new era of gaming which every console gaming system is geared towards now. pay to play. It's like any other game that comes out now. But clap hanz is new to this and will take some adjusting have patience updates are coming, add-ons are coming

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