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PC Been thinking about buying C. of Osiris since it came out... i've seen vids and read...


Paval Vlad

Been thinking about buying C. of Osiris since it came out... i've seen vids and read about it and there seems to be 0 real content for 20$... Is it worth buying the expansion pass right now ? Is D2 really THAT bad right now ? Like... from what i've heard from inside and outside of the community D2 is dying, is there any hope for it to be decent again ? I really like the Destiny universe but Bungie fucks up all the time and is held cuckold by Activision

Daytona Oglesby

Depends. Do you want an increase in light level? Do you want something fresh to do? There's a month grind of getting verses done. I like destiny so I just preordered with everything.

Matthew Simoneau

Just wait for the bundle.

Daytona Oglesby

I personally don't see the community as dying at all, just a bunch of people constantly complaining about the game. I don't mind purposeful critiquing but honestly half of it is being upset it's not the same as d1.

Chris Rostant

Dying is a strong word, I would say its down a lot for player base, but its not hard to find a group to run strikes or pvp with, even pugging raids isn't that terrible most days. is it a full game? no. Do I consider 2.5 hours of story, a whole verse system with 12 items, 2 strikes, 5 new levels etc worth 20? sure I do, I pay 20 when I go to mcdonalds

Freddy Quinones Jr.

Dude I love the game. Fuck what people think.

Evelyn Guesser Ascenço

There is hope, there are people who still play and if you don't have any other games you want to play right now, you should def get it =D

Thomas Stephens

Held cuckold by Activision? What? Like Activision is cheating on bungie while they watch or something? Lol

Adam Ibrahim

What's bothering me about what you said is that you wrote a whole paragraph describing your doubt about buying the DLC, but you were too lazy to type in Curse of osiris lmao.

Julio Ignacio Oyarzun


Julio Ignacio Oyarzun

ahh and you can finish the quest line history in 1 hour, and get max ilvl in 1 or 2 weeks. And the new "raid"... xD

Roberto Naldi

D2 is doing perfeclty fine... queues are no longer than one minute and there is plenty to do if you don't grind every activity. Don't listen to those that claim that it will be over in a week if you don't plan to play like 8 hours per day. Also CoO is fine for the price tag, I too would have welcomed more PVE content, still the grind for the Forge is nice and rewarding (Sagira anyone?) and there's THAT quest involved so as I said, it's pretty fine on its own.

Glenn Morten Høen Lyngmo

Buy it, love the game

Nathan McNeill

I bought the season pass, and I’m pissed at the lack of content for this expansion - just because it screams of laziness much like the rest of the game. Mercury map is so small, and the Infinite Forest is just so repetitive.

So is it worth a third of the price of the base game, absolutely not and it is a ripoff - I bought the deluxe edition for 40% off so I can’t complain, but as with the original game you need to have it if you want the most out of the game.

I actually really liked the campaign and strikes, but it’s so repetitive and lacks so much content especially for the PVE player - and if you don’t raid like me your weekly milestones take half a day.

Brody Strock

Everyone bitches about pvp but I will say the dlc was kinda lack luster, I would have wished they did way more with the infinite forest, but that’s what we get for rushes content

Asuncion Miranda

i wouldnt go for it it give you maybe 2 hours of extra content

Elijah Graham

Do yourself a favor and give up on Bungie

Daniel Grewen Grewdahl

The game is not dead, sure it doesn't have 1 million players but this BS that the game is dead is so lame, here's some stats from yesterday....

Danny Caldwell

To be honest people pay way more for consumables in most games on the market. Prophecy weapons, pretty cool Close combat map , and a few other things makes it totally worth it. $20 isn't shit unless you have to ask mommy , and daddy for the money lolz.

Danny Caldwell

These haters do know there is every indication even in the map on Mercury for expansion to take place right. After all this is PC now as well , and are use to being drip fed content over seasons. And for fuck sake we are only in season 2 at that. D2 will be fleshed out. Some of the major flaws are being addressed right under our noses as we speak , but some are to self absorbed , and think their opinion is fact to the point they can't comprehend one might feel different.

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