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Been seeing a lot of noob questions about car sales. You can’t sell your poopy Rx7 or...


Kieran R. Thomas

Been seeing a lot of noob questions about car sales. You can’t sell your poopy Rx7 or Porsche for more than the actual value of the car for one of two reasons:

Reason #1: You didn’t upgrade the car enough bro there’s only so much you can sell the car for, (real face value)

Reason #2: You are NOT a legendary painter or tuner. Which means no matter what non-horizon edition cars you try to sell for an upside amount you will never be able to sell for more than the face value of the car until you achieve that 5 star status.

The only loop hole around this is to convince whatever poor sucker is buying your garbage car to buyout or bid on one or two high prices HE cars and then sell the car to them after that has been done. I don’t recommend this because the fact that there are auction house vultures who sit and watch bids allllllll day long so there’s a chance the car you are trying to sell for more than it’s worth will get “sniped” for a dirt cheap price by someone other than the targeted buyer and then he or she has wasted all that hard earned CR on literally nothing ☕

Basically....make dope paints and tunes and tell your Friends to download them.

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