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Xbox One Aussie Evolved Cluster PVP No Rules XB1 Nitrado Ragnarok Center Aberration Server...


Andrew Lanham

Aussie Evolved Cluster PVP No Rules XB1 Nitrado

Ragnarok Center Aberration

Server Stats
* Wild Dinos Max lvl 300
* Wyvern Max lvl 380
* Boosted Player and Dino Stats
* Infinite Weight Player & Dino
* X10 Difficulty
* X10 Taming
* X15 Harvest
* X50 Egg Hatching Speed
* X50 Baby Mature Speed
* 30 Minute Timer for Imprints
* X7 XP
* X02 Food and Water Drain
* X6 Cave Damage
* Custom Boosted Loot Drops
* No Starter Packs

There are only a few things to keep in mind

*Its a new cluster so help people out we want full servers not empty
* New tribes have 1 week grace period to build and tame place white flags around your base so everyone knows
* If you want to raid someone call them out in chat or on this group PVP is alot more fun when someone is actually fighting back
* Raiding someone while they are offline will have consequences

Other then that everyone enjoy some pvp and invite your friends cheers

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