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Xbox One ARK SERVER DETAILS: We are setup on Ragnarok, with PvP rules 24/7 with an...


Bradley Powell

We are setup on Ragnarok, with PvP rules 24/7 with an approximate 30min timer until Offline Raid Protection is enabled.

Feel free to join our Discord, download the discord app from here:
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create a profile and send a message to either SurvivorEvolved#7114 or Rocksta#6776 requesting to join. It really helps to keep up to date with the server and community.

This is a Free to play on Server! Payments or donations are not required but any contributions you wish to make would be greatly appreciated. Visit the contribution channel in the Discord sever for further information.

To Join The Sever:
1. From the Main Menu, select "Join Ark".
2. In the lower left corner select "Session Filter > Unofficial PC Sessions".
3. UNTICK the "Show Password Protected" box.
4. Search "SurvivorEvolved" in the "Name Filter" box. The full name is [EU] SurvivorEvolved - ORP/XPx8/Gx5/Tx5/ Pvp 24/7 but searching "SurvivorEvolved" should find it.
5. Highlight the server and select it. Scroll down to "Add To Favorites" and select.
6. Select "Join".

Settings and Rates:
Please follow the link to a brief video of our most recent settings:
Server settings such as rates:
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Per Level stats for dino and players:
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Now down to how SurvivorEvolved will be run....

The Admin tag will be the SurvivorEvolved gamertag. To be honest it will not be used for anything... I am a true believer in a fair playing field for everyone. I will not use commands to get resources back for myself or anyone else. If I lose a dino it gets lost, I don't replace it with commands. I tame things, I gather and think it is only fair if everyone else does. We know ARK does have bugs unfortunately we must suffer the consequences together.

I am UK based and all times surrounding the Server will be based on BST. This includes all communications, messaging me at a ridiculous UK time will not help you in any way. Repeat offenders will be banned. I will happily help you with any rule enquiry, connection problems or just general game questions (if I can answer them). I do however encourage the use of in-game text chat for this sort of stuff. This allows for everyone to see the communication I have with you all and it also allows others to understand various circumstances surrounding the rules.

As for banning, I want everyone to have a fantastic experience on my server. I intend to only ban survivors that breach the rules on a case by case basis. I am happy to discuss any rule breaking concerns with all parties involved. With that in mind, my word is final on all matters and it sounds petty but whenever you hear or see the words "Admins Final Words" the matter at hand is no longer up for discussion. Any further attempts at discussion will be ignored.

I will have a remote connection to the server for join requests etc. However, this does not mean that I can provide 24/7 assistance with connection issues or general in-game issues. If I can help at the time I will.
Server restarts: All server restarts will come with at least a 10-minute warning to allow you to get your characters safe.
Crashes: If the server crashes do not panic, the game stops running, the server stops running, no data is lost apart from since the last autosave. If I can get the server back online quickly I will, please remember though that I do have a life with a job and family. If it's not convenient to get it back online within 60 minutes of the SurvivorEvolved handle receiving loads of messages then keep an eye on our social media, I'll drop a post on these to ensure all Survivors are aware that it is down.
Updates: will occur as close to the day of release as possible. Please note that sometimes an update may become available without warning and cause the Server to restart. I apologies now if this happens to anyone. I'll try to give as much warning as possible.

These rules are to be followed at all times. I already know a few Admins who have applied rules to their server, it can get really frustrating with salty Survivors. These rules are here, you're reading them and breaking them may result in a penalty or even a ban. As mentioned above it sounds petty but whenever you hear or see the words "Admins Final Words" the matter at hand is no longer up for discussion.

1.This is a PvP 24/7 server:
PvP all day every day, if you get raided build better defenses, if you get shot be more like an assassin. The only sort of PvP not tolerated on the server is Caging. I feel caging a Survivor to stop them playing indefinitely is not a good tactic for the game. Grieving a certain Tribe for a long period of time will be frowned upon. Expect your base to get raided by the rest of the server if you begin to bully another Survivor. An ongoing war should be fine but, hassling them days on end without bothering anyone else will definitely be frowned upon.

2. Game DvR & Screenshots:
Use these features as proof of any complaint you may have regarding an in-game action. Record it. Someone abusing you via the in-game chat to a level of harassment... Screenshot it. This allows you to have evidence of the incident and use it in your complaint against the other party. Complaints issued without evidence will be treated a lot less severely as it's just your word against theirs. Supply evidence and there shouldn't be a problem.

3. Dino Wipes:
This always seems to be a grey area on player hosted servers. So, to save the hassle if you're playing on SurvivorEvolved and love your dinos... Protect them. The Admin will not care or ban people if they wipe your dinos or base. However, a trend I have seen grow on this server is anyone that does do such thing repeatedly will have a lot of the server population go after them. So, kill peoples dinos at your own peril.

4. Dino Wipes:
The Admin will Dino Wipe all wild Dinos at his discretion. Requesting wipes will not get them to occur. If the admin feels the dino spawns are out of sync he will dino wipe. However, with PC hosted there hopefully shouldn't be the need to.

5. Structure Spamming & Resource Sites:
When deciding on your base location bear these rules in mind,
- Cave building is allowed but not in progression based caves (caves containing Artifacts) this is in case people want to attempt Boss battles. This also means no blocking access to the obelisks or caves. The platform and Terminal and Entrances must be accessible by all other Survivors and their Dinos. You can build close to them but your turrets etc must not affect another Survivors entry.
- Only ONE main base per a Tribe to help with server lag, temporary raid bases can be put up. Please destroy any taming pens wooden spikes etc when you are done using them.
- Do Not block any resource spawn sites. Any structures found to be obviously blocking a resource respawn site (for example in the middle of volcano) will get a day's warning to get it removed.

6. Tribe Limit & Alliances:
We have an enforced 10 Survivors per Tribe limit on SurvivorEvolved, this is to stop multiple Tribes ganging up on others and does not allow one Tribe to necessarily outnumber the others, Tribe Alliances are disabled due to Offline Raid Prevention.

7. Offensive Names:
We do not allow any offensive names on the server, any names deemed offensive of any nature, sexist, racist or just straight up offensive will be instantly banned from the server this includes Gamertags, Player Names and Tribe Names. The best way for you to approach this is if you think the name is even slightly offensive don't use it.

8. Advertisements:
We do not allow advertisement for other servers, we ask that you respect our server and not advertise your server in ours, the Xbox Live Club, Facebook and Any person caught doing this will be instantly banned from the server.

9. Third Party Software:
Any person found to be using third party software to cheat, obtain an advantage over other players or to gather personal information will be banned instantly.

If you do decide to attack a Tribe when you massively outnumber them, please try to be as kind as possible, there is nothing worse than your whole base being destroyed. By all means blow a hole in the roof or wall but try not to flatten it. It would be nice for Tribes to not have to start from scratch every week. The same goes for Dinos, only try and kill Dinos that are attacking you or in your way. This isn't a rule but you'd be a bit of a Titanboa to go in to a Tribe's egg pen and wipe out every single Dino.

I encourage tribes to have on going communications with one another whether it be trading or just trash talk. However, as with any online community I cannot control all the actions of others although I will state now that any forms of racism, sexism, discrimination will not be tolerated. If you ever feel some one has discriminated against you then capture a screenshot and send it to the SurvivorEvolved gamertag with a brief message of the incident and I'll get back to you.

Server Q&As:
We have multiple places on the internet where you can contact us should you have the need to, all I ask is you keep any discussions regarding the server directed at the Server Handle and not my personal one. This allows me to respond much quicker and if needs be allowing everyone on the server the opportunity to comment, give their opinion. You can contact us here:
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