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Xbox One Ark Hooligans Xbox PvP Ragnarok Server! Launching on Monday Our motivation for the...


Britton Durbin

Ark Hooligans Xbox PvP Ragnarok Server! Launching on Monday

Our motivation for the server is to provide a place for working adults without the time to play official, to play ark and enjoy all it's content in a competitive PvP environment.

Server Rules:
Our expectation is that we all play like mature adults, raid, fight, create rivalries and alliances, but do so in a way that encourages a healthy environment.

•No dino wiping. Killing Dino's is part of the game, but there's never a reason to kill everything. There are no rules against passive killing. Protect your Dino's.

• No main base wiping. The overall structure of the base you raid should be recognizable, and when possible the crafting stations should be left intact to allow easier recovery (barring something like a small base in a cave, outposts, raiding fobs, etc. Common sense applies)

•Dont be toxic. This server is for adults, be adults. It's a game, have fun, and let others do so, don't try to keep people from playing or competing. What's does this mean? It is intentionally broad. Cry babies will always cry, but if you decimate your opponent like a badass, that's awesome, just let them recover.

At the end of the day it's a community, if you drive everyone away then the server dies.

How do I join your server?
Go to the server listing page in the main menu of ark. Switch to dedicated servers in the bottom right, search the name "Ark Hooligans". During open recruitment there is no password for entry. When a password is required, you can find it in our discord.

Why did <insert tribe name here> raid me?

Maybe you smell funny, maybe your Dino's pooped on their grass, they don't need a reason. Rebuild and retaliate. This is not PvE. You, your loot, and your Dino's, are not protected from other players

Will there be events?

Absolutely. We will use events to introduce tames/engrams not typically available to the map to the server and make them available to the community.

Do the admins PvP?

No. There is only one circumstance where the admins are allowed to PvP, and that's if you attack the admin base. If you attack the admin base, they will defend it.

Can I attack the admin base?

We encourage it! The admin base will have nice goodies in it, very well protected goodies. You are welcome to try your hand at getting them. The base will not have any dinos defending that are unobtainable level wise defending, and will not have god or infinite stat Dino's defending. The admins will definitely put up a fight though!

Server Settings:

•32 slots
•Difficulty 1
•XP x2
•Harvest x3
•Taming x8
•Hatching x30
•Maturation x20
•Structure resistance .85
•Structure damage(spike walls) x4
•Turret damage x1.2

For full detailed settings, discord and how to join, check
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Dylan McKinney

Wow! Been looking for server like this for awhile, dont have time for official and most dedicated are usually way too boosted for my liking! Is it open this afternoon?

Bryton Levett

Soo keen count me in as I like to play ark but have no time for official servers as work takes up most of my weekdays

Jacob Maye

I wanna join

Brandon Stuart

So do i have to pay to play on that server ?

Bryton Levett

Does the server come out today as it's Monday and if I have to pay to play how much and what will the service be like

Britton Durbin

It comes out approximately 1pm EST

Dee Houston

hi i cant find the server on the ark page can you someone help

John Moffat

Steven Campbell Fredric Adam III Barnick pvp... haha

Britton Durbin

Our server is live and joinable!

Dylan McKinney

Could you possibly send an invite? Its not lettin me switch the tab to dedicated

Britton Durbin

You have to wait for the listing to load completely before it will let you switch. And unfortunately I won't be on for a day or two, you can ask someone in our discord though.

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