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Anyone with an overwatch OC out there


Lexis Davis

Anyone with an overwatch OC out there

Evelyn Fazzingo


Michael Norlander

I had it drawn at one point. Robot kind of like xenyatta looking that has many small drones. He can build up his amount of drones and can command them to attack certain enemies as like a summoner type character. He has a low-damage small machine gun in his arm for a normal attack. His drones leave dead bodies, and they stay until he dies, no matter how many there are, and his ult would be reviving them all at once, making it terrible unless you set up for it but strong if you do. He's an offensive character

Michael Norlander

Also another offensive character- a cyborg monkey with a bo-staff, has a low cooldown dash, 250 hp, heavy damage melee attack, can leave behind a decoy and turn invisible, and can stun enemies in a spinning ult but that one's completely a ripoff of league of legends wukong, not original at all LOL id just like to see it in overwatch

Tori Haines

i have two. GAVVIN and Ionna

Yvonne Douglas

Guest that bad?

Sam Walker

A support hero with a mixed bag of tricks.
His weapon is the Technician Wand, flat damage with a damage pop when ammo runs dry on every enemy hit with that ammo clip. Looks like energy is softly diffusing out of targets.
Alt fire is Restraint, single target, inflicts 105 damage over 2 seconds and halves damage output in that time, 12 second cooldown once completed. Looks like a wire-frame over the body.
E is Vitaliser; build a small machine that tops up ally health nearby. It refills from nearby health kits slowly or with the Wand. Vitaliser looks holographic, healing looks like a gentle energy streak that flows into the body. It heals your teammates before it heals you.
Shift is Change Gears, which affects Rescue's behaviour (see below) the options are Loyal, Good Boy and Angry Boy.
Passive is Rescue, the intangible super-fast hologram dog that exists to make your job easier, with a healing reserve and properties that vary with Gears. Loyal makes Rescue stay close, heal you above others, prioritise attacking enemies in Restraint then your aggressors. The gear skill is Revenge, savaging an enemy after your death.
Good Boy makes Rescue prioritise filling the Vitaliser/himself, healing allies manually and using his Gear skill, Repel. Repel is a shield that Rescue will project to block nominal damage when an ally is attacked. Healing and Repel (in that order) are prioritised for critical allies.
Angry Boy makes Rescue attack enemies in range. Rescue will prioritise critical health enemies. The gear skill is Rage, which makes Rescue hold on to an enemy for a little bit longer than normal and his DPS is slightly higher.
Ultimate is "Eureka!" Rescue splits into 3, one for each Gear. The Wand and Vitaliser get buffs. Restraint is reset.

Kotomi Alex Narumi


Matteo Cortiula

I'd post mine but it got fucking copied, so no.

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