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Anyone know how I can get to diamond. I have been in plat now for season 7 and so far...

  • Thread starter William Boucher
  • Start date

William Boucher

Anyone know how I can get to diamond. I have been in plat now for season 7 and so far this season but most games have people that play hero’s not needed or leave. I know that sometimes it might be me and I can’t always blame the team but when a mercy solo heals her junkrat friend the is not much I can do. I main mccree and widow but can play pretty much all. But flexing for your team mates all the time can be hard. Currently I’m 2624 was 2745 but struggle to win more then 2 games in a row before a lose streak.
Any ideas on how to climb would be much appreciated

John Huk

People might not try super hard, but you need to play around them. You don't need 100% winrate to climb, at that rank, just over 50%

Sam Wilkinson

I'm all for flexing and I do, but it does tilt me when I constantly can't play the hero's I want play.

David Schwartz

Well widow and mcree Arnt really hero's to carry on in Plat. You can't always rely on having good tanks or supports to help you. You might want to try to learn characters that can do everything themselves like zarya or hog. Or maybe just characters that just rely on there team less.

Francis Lee

Every time you die, watch the kill cam and analyse what you did wrong and what you could have done differently. Try
not to make the same mistakes again. That’s basically much how I solo climbed to GM.

Francis Lee

Every time you die, lose a 1v1 or a team fight, watch the kill cam and analyse what you did wrong and what you could have done differently. Try
not to make the same mistakes again. That’s basically how I solo climbed to 4K+

Francis Lee

Every time you die, lose a 1v1 or a team fight, watch the kill cam and analyse what you did wrong and what you could have done differently. Try
not to make the same mistakes again. I solo climbed to 4K+ just doing this and practicing my aim.

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