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Anyone else think that they should reduce moira's beam range by about 5m and increase...


Bilaal Ijaz

Anyone else think that they should reduce moira's beam range by about 5m and increase her healing beam by 2/3m just so that people focus more on healing rather than tickling the enemy team. I'm not saying her beam is too strong but I think we can all admit that moira mains don't heal to their full potential

Luke Wright

They arent moira mains. They are still getting used to her kit, she doesn't need any changes tbh.

She's just gotta be used correctly. Give it a couple months or so and everyone will be using her properly.

It's the same thing that's happened to all hero's released. They are new so they aren't being used properly. Moira is the most balanced so far if we change her because people aren't adjusting to the new way of healing then we'll end up breaking her like doomfist.

Aaron Hamilton

Moira main here, always out-healing the mercy

Sam Walker

If you nerf the attack that refills Moira's healing guage, she will heal LESS. It's only logical. Also, supports are not heal slaves :)

Ryuuichi Rekairu

Smaller range would cause moira be more in front line what would people focus more on being DPS also it would make it easier her run out of healing. Moiras that dont heal use her wrong (i'm out healed mercy/lucios and even had hero damage... best cases 5 medals)

Timothy Norman Kubiak

Id rather her beam just have falloff dmg but shes not too hard to kill for me. Bait her to fade and dodge an orb

Albert Valle

If anything she can afford to get a one second nerf to her shadow step.

Jeremy Michael Chason

Nope the only thing they need to need is the Ult charge, since it self heals it shouldn't happen within a minute if you play her correct.

Keenan Hubbard

I feel like they should make it to where if a Zarya gravs and u throw your orb into it it stays in the grav. Just a Kool thing I think that would make her a little more fun.

David Goulet

The range on her damage should be nerfed

Matt Pulliam

Moira main here I'm usually gold damage and gold healing. If you Nerf the range on her beam then you Nerf her healing because the beam charges her heal

Rickard Beni Sundblom

If you say that, you dont understand her mechanics. She needs to do damage to get biotic energy in order to healing, but she's too squishy to be right next to the enemy to do damage in order to get that energy,hence the long range.

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