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Any Winston mains out there? I've been playing him a lot more recently and I'd like...


Summer Smith

Any Winston mains out there? I've been playing him a lot more recently and I'd like any tips to get better with him. My main tank I play is Dva, but Winston is a very viable tank to play as well, so I want to learn to play him better.

John Calderon

I think the first thing is getting a grasp of the map you are using him on and where your exit lanes are. Once you establish that you can dive on the back line and poke and run or straight up harass their supports if left unchecked.

Michael Nguyen

Really useful tips

Braden Horn

For god's sake, SAVE YOUR JUMPS. So many times I've seen Winston jump in and bubble only to die fucking immediately because they don't have an escape route. Something that goes hand in hand with this is having good timing. Sometimes I see Winston dive in and get focused instantly. Wait until they've committed some, then cut someone off, OR focus their dive and peel for your team first.

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