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Any tips for Zarya? I'm trying to git gud at her.


Zaman Adnan

Any tips for Zarya? I'm trying to git gud at her.

Aubrey Byrd

Yes. Walk at an angle to use your armor regen as you fight.

Sara Elizabeth Jordan

It's kind of hard to aim with her so start out with kind of sparactically spamming it depending on where the enemy is and how close they are (if they're closer hold m1 longer) also make sure to ALWAYS bubble supports or whoever is in need of it, like a baby dva or a mercy. And use your barrier frequently when needed.

Taylor Smith

Go out and hug a big fuzzy Siberian Bear

Ben Pride Cleveland

Bubble teammates when they're in danger not when you think someone might shoot.

Use your bubble to actively tank.

If you see a Rein Firestrike, bubble and walk into it.

See a pharah rocket, bubble and walk into it.

Its imperative you have high charge.

Definitely work on tracking.

Jackson McCarthy

Don't just chuck bubbles onto people for no reason. Don't engage a fight with your bubble active, you'll lose it before the fight starts. Supports are your best bubble candidates, they're usually being targeted, stick by them and bubble them if trouble comes up. Bubble teammates diving in like Genji, Winston, etc. Coordinate with your healers and your dps divers and you'll always have a good amount of charge. Bubble when you take damage not to prevent it

Rob White

Take some damage first before putting up your bubble. Preferably just before your shield goes away. Then run away and give a bubble to a teammate. Untill your over 70 percent charged then you can fight much better with her.but when your 70 to 100 percent charged only use the laser beam attack and not the grenades.

Brandon Obrien

Use the Bubbles as often as Possible in combat. DO NOT WASTE THEM
If you're going to ult try and get your team to focus an enemy so she can't eat the ult.
Aiming is difficult at first but it will get easier
Try and stay charged by using the bubbles strategically.
bait enemy zen ults before you use it otherwise its a waste of an ult

Petr Procházka

When you/someone getting dmg use shield - easy energy charge. Melt D.VA/Hog if enemy flankers are dead. Farm graviton. Use graviton - go with Lúcio speedboost in to enemy team - look down press Q - use self shield - kill them all (if you have high energy). Flank enemy team to use grav/use grav from highground - comunicate with your team.

Mackenzie Rae

Playing with a Rein is your best best, I usually duo que with a Rein friend. Use her secondary fire and melee to finish off close by targets. Junk is the best to go against, especially in this spam meta, just purposefully walk in his bombs and you’ll have great energy. Try and save your bubbles for enemy hogs who grab your teammates.

Luke Eyre

Don’t get baited into using your bubble, if you take damage don’t just use your bubble straight up unless you’re talking a lot of it, hold off for a second. This also depends what rank you are if your in plat down people won’t usually bait you to use your bubble

Kyle Dwiane Cook

Use your ult. Even if its just 2 its still worth it.

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