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Am I the only person who doesn’t shit on other people’s mains? Like I’ve been told...


Kari LaBelle

Am I the only person who doesn’t shit on other people’s mains? Like I’ve been told that I’m trash because I play Mercy or because I’ve picked Hanzo.

No character is useless and no character is garbage. Every single character for overwatch is useful and helpful to the team. If you see a Torb that sucks then don’t say that he, himself, is a garbage character. It’s just that the person using him doesn’t have enough skill or doesn’t fully understand how to use him.

Another example: I hate doomfist but that’s cuz I can’t use him. But I’m not gonna be like “oh man you picked doomfist, you’re trash” like that’s so disrespectful.

Stop shitting on other people’s mains and let them enjoy the game.

Wilma Englöf

I think it's just you who perform badly. Never heard it as widowmaker. Maybe because I have over 60% win. Must be hard being a mercymain with 30% winrate

Kari LaBelle

Also I’m not a Mercy main. I don’t have a main. I will play whoever

Penny Vázquez

I haven't been blamed, bullied out to switch or insulted ever. However I did tell someone a couple of days ago after we got stomped on a defense that maybe the torbs should switch and he replied with "what if you shut up" overly sensitive people will always exist no matter how you say it. The whole team reported the dude. He was also a shit player but that was never mentioned, only asked him to switch.

Ariel Arturo Acosta Lopez

As a filthy hanzo main i can relate to this, sometimes when i pick something that don’t go with the “meta” people usually rant about but is not about the pick, is about how you use the pick, a lot of people tried to shit on me for some picks on attack or defense, if i know i doing a shitty job, i will change to something my teams need otherwise i would do what i must.

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