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Alright, ive been doing some homework on a future gaming PC build for the upcoming...


Bill Costakes

Alright, ive been doing some homework on a future gaming PC build for the upcoming Star Citizen/Squadron 42 (late 2017 - 2019).

From what ive gathered about it from the fan forums, its gonna require a SSD to prevent serious load times and may run smoother on AMD cpus since the game is being developed on AMD computers. Also 16GB RAM is gonna be a nessessity.

I've decided to stick with intel processors for my own personal reasons.

I've compared the prices between a boutique PC builder (Cyberpower PC), PC Parts Picker, and my own searches.

Cyberpower gave a $3,042 quote (overclocking, wiring, and protective packaging included) . PC Parts Picker came up with $2,698.68. And my modifed search on sites like ebay for New parts came up with $2,351.40. However, that third price can be cheaper if I can win some new parts on ebay auctions.

I checked on The end result was only 5%. And the parts seem to be compatible according to Cyberpower and PC Parts Picker.

So, what do you guys think? Any changes I should make?


Bill Costakes

Bump. Sorry. Really need this to be critiqued.

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