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After the mercy nerfs, I've met so many, before-hand mercy-onetricks, who basically...

  • Thread starter Thomas Ovesen Markussen
  • Start date

Thomas Ovesen Markussen

After the mercy nerfs, I've met so many, before-hand mercy-onetricks, who basically don't know how to play the game and just ruins the game for everyone because of their inability to play anything else than Mercy - and they refuse to play Mercy now post nerf. Anyone else experiencing this? This happens at Master...

Jurine Erwee

Who cares? Just play the game

John Calderon

I rather they keep playing mercy than to aimlessly try to play something else. Mercy is still viable just can’t play reckless anymore and hope she can erase it.

Stephanie Rosado

So u cried when they only played mercy, now cry when they okay something else. Make up your mind

Brandon Ko

I’m a mercy one trick(not proud)and I always play mercy unless someone else on the team is a mercy one trick too, I would play dva cause I’m comfortable with her too. Usually the team tells them to switch cause they are horrible at mercy. This comment is just to tell you I’m fucking great at mercy

Gem Bowie

I've seen a lot of I'm quitting Overwatch because I can't play mercy anymore posts.

Alyssa Quinn

I am a support main, mostly Mercy, but I still play whoever fits the situation the best.

Maurice Hill Vincent

I just main whichever support or tank is needed atm besides also I haven't played for about a year and just started again yesterday mercy is playable I don't get why people say she's unplayable now.

Connor L. Lewis

People can one-trick if they want, why do you people act so offended over video games, people WILL play how they want

Elliot Nolan

I’ve met a few and you can just tell they don’t know what to be doing. But they are losing SR fast

Alan Schramm

Seen a lot Ana players lately..they all couldn't aim for shit xD standing still and still missing shots. But hey. They at least learn how to play her/ or enjoy playing her

Julia Nicole

Most Mercy mains just straight out switched to Moira and this far it seemed to work.
But I also know OTPs that quit the game because of the nerfs and well, let them. I also know some who adapted to the new meta - just like any other person would've done if it happened to their main.

Nyah Beck

It’s cute it’s the opposite before her death just after she got valk the first time I had started practicing Moira and picking up Ana more on my alts. I’m comfortable enough to Solo heal as always but people end up complaining we “need” a mercy for whatever reason when that’s not the issue.
Playing multiple heroes I’ve climbed up to my career high. Much higher than I have before xD like reverse boost LUL.

My problem is when mercy one tricks on my team, that I just auto lock other supports/tanks ON PURPOSE for don’t go mercy and blatantly throw like running off maps sitting in spawn building turrets/leaving games and shit. I’ve lost more games because of that ( not just mercy one tricks either just in general for this season ) than I have lost games playing mercy. She’s still viable. Ana is still extremely weak, five meta is still so prevalent and there’s not enough abilities for her to continually survive like the other supports. Even when being perfect you don’t have 9 sleeps on deck...
Moira can’t do everything as people assume and still people struggle at actually pulling zen/lucio off.
On top of it all out of all the heroes Mercy is still the most consistent healer like period imo. Not just by pick rate but because you don’t have to land shots, you can heal multiple people really fast, & at once with ult, & don’t have to rely on people being right within a radius of effect or micromanage your healing resource. I believe she’s forever gonna be viable in some way because of this regardless of what people say... but people will always struggle with healing mechanics. People will jut have to cry in the meantime remember how much people complained and soiled their diapers when lucio got buffed ? He hasn’t been changed and people eventually shut up about it.. the same thing will happen this is how this community works. With new hero around the corner you’ll be crying over that within the next month or so and this’ll all be irrelevant. Capital D , Colon ;

Adib Dimassi

True i seen a lot of zen/ana that cant aim for shit and dont know when to use ults
Also seen few lucio that just spam spacebar for wall ride

Nathie Ri

I can say im maybe a mercy one trick but i can still play something else if its RLY needed and asked nicely. But Mercy is good most of the time even after her nerfs. I know how to play her well and giving that ress value the enemy team doesnt have. Ive had many toxic ppl hating on mercy and saying she is useless, who threw my games just cuz i played her. These ones are pathetic. i obviously reported them and got that message from blizzard about the fact they took action against them. But anyway, this was in high masters, and since her nerfs, im back to GM.

Mandi Ann Caka

I like mastering one character at a time, but I’m often requested by groups of my friends to play Mercy. She’s my fourth “main”

Monica Leep

I’ve seen Mercy’s before the nerf not know how to play her. I’ve also seen people in Plat+ not be able to play Mercy before the rework. There’s plenty of people who don’t know how to play the game, at all elos. Wanna know why? You can queue as a 6 man and basically carry your friends.

Ben Pride Cleveland

Its so funny because I played mercy yesterday for 5 games and won 4 of them.

Shes fine, people recognize she isnt just a rez machine anymore

I got gud healz

John Huk

I like to play the "Check to see how much SR this Mercy one trick lost, since the patch"

Brandon Schramm

Yea thats been happening to me a lot. The people who have always played mercy are fine, since they had gotten value out of all versions of mercy in multiple metas, but people who only knew how to use her when she was overpowered are a big disadvantage to their team now.

Eventually they'll pick up additional skill sets, since Mercys skills don't translate well to other characters, or resume playing Mercy but at the moment I think it's why you see so many in a deranking freefall at the moment.

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