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2 of my UPS units decided to die, one can likely be rescued with a battery swap, the...

  • Thread starter Yakov Gorodnitsky
  • Start date

Yakov Gorodnitsky

2 of my UPS units decided to die, one can likely be rescued with a battery swap, the other appears to be dead. I see that best buy happens to have a better price on a replacement than Amazon. I walk in, ask a geek squad person, where do you keep your UPS units...he says, United States Postal service? I'm like are you serious, an Uninteraptable power supply, he is still confused, then says, power supplies are here, I am like...are you kidding me? He asks its for a computer? I say can be, or can be for anything, how about battery backup...and he finally gets it. This is absolutely the dumbest retail encounter I've ever had. PS and UPS is united parcel service...jeez.

Micheal Martin

Dude, I applied to work for Geek Squad back in 2001, right after getting out of Technical College for Computer Information Systems / Repair. They said I was over qualified, and hired a kid straight out of high school with no real world experience. best Buy has a bad habit of hiring morons that know little to anything to do with the departments that they are hired to work in.

Drew Leonard

To be fair not a lot of people use ups to refer to those at normal consumer level. nor are they all that popular outside of office use. Battery backup is how most people recognise it

Johnathan Marsh

Not everyone is an enthusiast, don't be a prick and make fun of some one just trying to do their job.

Customer service reps see and hear from pricks all day long, don't be one of them.

Dave Coleman III

You seem very upset that someone - who knows what a UPS is - didn't know it by its official name, even though you found what you were looking for after questioning....

Sort of the same ignorance of someone who goes to Best Buy to buy electronics instead of using Newegg, Amazon, or pretty much any web outlet that will be cheaper and more accurate...

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