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You know it's going to be a good season when your first placement game has 3 smurfs...


Peter Gomez

You know it's going to be a good season when your first placement game has 3 smurfs boosting a gold level Mercy to Diamond. ;)

Peter Gomez

Or Masters, for that matter.

Alaa Yassine

Had someone afk on my first placement when it was our turn to attack

Gem Bowie

I'm waiting till I'm on holiday from work to place this season. Don't know why, just decided that's what I'm going to do.

Tenzing Dawa

Ugh boosted mercy mains. I hate them.
Especially when they can't flex to anything else.
And flame other healers.
And pocket the fuck out of their duo.

Vynyl Shiro

First game: main tank threw the game because the enemy took the first checkpoint

Second game: main healer left because we lost the first two team fights followed by two more teammates.

Third game: DPS Main decided to go Moira and not give any bit of healing. I had gold healing as REAPER

Fourth game: Battle Mercy who couldn't aim

Fifth game: Shitty Tracer who thought he was So0n

Sixth game: actually won this one...because we had a smurf...

Seventh game: entire team just gave up because they were afraid of a Bastion and Symmetra and I couldn't do anything about it because I was solo healing.

Eighth game: half the team threw and one member left because I got off Zen...for Moira. As a solo healer...with a team of three tanks, Widow and Hanzo.

Ninth game: D.Va that just dance emoted in the spawn.

Tenth game: everyone on both teams left except for me and another Reaper. This game was actually fun.

Conclusion: went 2-8 and got placed 2160, climbed up to 2301, got booted off the game as soon as "now arriving in Hollywood!" Showed, got down to 2250 and just been getting REALLY bad teams since. Xbox is trash.

Nicole Leighanne Reynolds

I got 20k healing in my first Overwatch placements I ever did and I placed in Plat.

Peter Gomez

Yeah i got brutalized but i can climb. Ezpz. 3/10 2910

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