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Xbox One Why do people have to fight over playing official or dedicated? It’s all the same game...


Heaven Coffman

Why do people have to fight over playing official or dedicated? It’s all the same game just a different difficulty level.
I play dedicated and I also tried official. Official is awesome and I give credits to those that can do it but I have low patience and I like to get stuff faster. Especially while in school and having a job, plus it really is depressing losing something you tamed especially after taming it for hours :(

Trinity Ragnrok Yuki

Yeah I've always been admin for servers as I think building and playing with people of the server is very enjoyable, while in official on most servers the alphas will wipe you out without a thought.

Chris Anderson

I don't have enough free time for official I'd never make it past lvl 65 lol just one example of how some people's lives are different and thus need different gaming styles

Francisco Javier Hernandez

I guess it has to do with some that play official look down on dedi servers as they believe their way of playing is how the game is supposed to be there's a more sense of accomplishment in official both in PVP PVE.

I've tried both for a few months and I prefer dedi pve as I get attached to my dinos and I enjoy playing with others.

some have more time than others so game styles varies..

Jeffrey Elmore

Some player dedis are more difficult. Mine for example has official player and dino stats with increased structure resistant and turret damage.

It’s a sandbox game, it can be played a million ways no one should ragging on another’s play style.

Dan Collins

I love it when official guys swear they are the top dogs at pvp and think dedi is for scrubs, its the complete opposite, the only difference is time. Every official player has had the standard pvp wars, dedi's change settings to make it more difficult (turret dmg, dino dmg, wild dinos, player movement speed is a big one, if you hit a 300 movement speed player with a sniper then official is a walk in the park), boosted servers mean quicker and more frequent pvp so in theory the best pvp'ers from dedicated would kick official pvp'ers arses.

Jay Rad Rybold

i played official for well over a year. i quit because the incompetant server admins would never help replace or deal with harrassment. i ran from pve server to pve server from this troll kid that wouldnt leave me alone. eventually got to the point where he found my server and dragged a alpha raptor through a unlocked door and a pack of allos as well and got pretty much everything thing killed all almost everything destroyed. after that i packed up all my bps and event skins and such and put it all in a treehouse and not long after i got dev wiped for "trolling" because i built over someones base that wasnt there until after i built my treehouse. the devs literaly let the admins delete my stuff because the same troll i kept reporting for harrasment made it look like i was trolling him. so now i run 4 of my own pve servers with my own little community and nobody can touch me or troll me without a ban.

Roark McArthur

Newsflash, megas are but people that are bad at pvp and thought “Hey let’s get together so we can throw 500 brontos at a base and slot cap the server to wipe it, can’t lose that way”

Roark McArthur

I’ve defended top tier alphas, very few are skilled

Josh Rickel

This game is a grind. Official isnt fun unless your running around with a 30 man tribe and have the manpower to do everything in the game (boss fights, server raids, exc) and all that it possible if your in the right alliance and bassicly no life the game. Dedicated on the other hand is much easier to build up on, boosted rates mean less people to get more things done exc. Both have there perks but with the current state of official server's nitrado hosted servers are 100% where its at untill they fix this game.

Dan Woodman

It’s not even a different difficulty as everyone is on an even playing field, it’s literally just more or less time consumption and whether you prefer the grind or getting into the action quicker

Steven Rowley

I've done it all on official. Solo life on my raft to admin of an alpha tribe. It took me a long time to let go of the official servers, but I'm sure glad I did. So much more fun than the official slog.

Nicole Taylor

I think people suck when they play team death match on cod. What your not good enough to play free for all? You have to depend on other players to win. You must be trash.

Kristopher Payne

And everyone also playing on the server at the increased rates are progressing just as quick as you are, I have literally seen people come to dedi’s from official claiming they are great at PvP and alpha tribes who go around destroying mega tribe bases, to be raided by what they think are bad players because they play dedi’s, when in fact there are a hell of a lot of good players playing dedi’s who would get in to most tribes on official. When we add ORP to servers which also increase difficulty because there is 0 skill and effort in offline raiding someone.

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