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Xbox One Who remembers the days when your out by yourself trying to bag that perfect tame


Jeff Howard

Who remembers the days when your out by yourself trying to bag that perfect tame see it .you knock it out. An start the taming processes..but then all sudden you see someone fly over you pullout ur spyglass.then your heart starts beating superfast cause you just realized they were from tribe u raided just the other day. You start freaking out did he see me. You look at tame stile only half way done . you start building spikes around you to keep tame safe see a torch a few yards away ...they saw you. . time for you to make your stand. You pull out ur spear ur lurking behind some rocks see them oh no they seen you aswell an he has you londneck you lost in raid. He fires miss you go in for kill. Boom you killed him got ur longneck back his loot an saved the tame ... This is what we want to bring back to ark the fun of having to fear the unknown who out there with you ...should u attack or stay hiding..join our moderate stats server lil better that official but also the grind of accomplishment. 3 simple rules offline raiding ...we help there orp is on
2. Dont completely wipe someone ..thats being a dick
3 dont attack anyone with pve in there name ..anything else is fair game ..

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Kris Meese

May want to reread this and fix the mistakes

Jeff Howard

Lol ty for input

Kris Meese

No problem good luck on populating server however that first rush will never be forgotten for me.

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